Suburban Community Hospital Telephone Directory
Department |
Phone Number |
Main Hospital Number | 610.278.2000 |
Administration | 610.278.2002 |
Primary Care of East Norriton (Formerly known as Suburban Family Medicine at Eagleville and Bridgeport Family Practice) |
610.277.6200 |
Case Management | 610.292.6809 |
Cardiovascular Center | 610.278.2128 |
Central Scheduling | (215) PA-PRIME/ (215) 727-7463 |
Emergency Room | 610.278.2185 |
Endoscopy Unit | 610.278.2146 |
Gift Shop | 610.278.2196 |
Human Resources | 610.278.2120 |
Interventional Radiology | 610.292.6822 |
ICU Laboratory |
610.278.2200 610.278.2075 |
Medical Surgical Unit (Med/Surg) Medical Records |
610.278.2020 610.278.2210 |
Medical Staff Office Outpatient Registration |
(610) 278.2004 610.278.2068 |
Patient Relations | 610.278.2870 |
Physical Medicine/ Rehabilitation | 610.277.5677 |
Pre-Admission Testing | 610.278.2258 |
Pulmonary Lab | 610.278.2294 |
Radiology/Diagnostic Imaging | 610.278.2100 |
Respiratory Care | 610.270.8394 |
Residency Program Senior Behavioral Health |
610.278.2003 610.270.8300 |
Smoking Cessation Program | 610.270.8390 |
Surgical Services | 610.278.2150 |
Security | 610.278.2141 |
Suburban Family Medicine at Norristown | 610.275.7240 |
Vascular Department | 610. 278.2859 |
Wound Care | 610.278.2845 |
Have a question? Fill out our online form and someone will get back to you. Please note, if you do not hear back from anyone in 24 hours, please call one of the numbers listed in our phone directory.