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Prime Healthcare Pennsylvania Region Celebrate National Doctors’ Day

A Special Thank You To Our Physicians

Dear Doctors,

Thank you for celebrating Doctors’ Day with us last month. It is important to take a moment to honor our physicians and celebrate the critical essential role they play in caring for our community. On behalf of everyone in the Suburban Community Hospital family, we would like to thank our gifted physicians for their sacrifice, hard work, and commitment to excellence.

Every one of our doctors is an integral member of our healthcare community. However, often the services that doctors give go unrecognized. Today and every day, we thank you and are grateful for putting your talents on the line to reassure our patients and to save lives. Our families, loved ones, and neighbors depend on you, as the medical expert, to heal us, make us feel better, and offer physical and mental comfort. Thank you for the sacrifices you make and for the high-caliber and compassionate care you provide our neighbors with. Thank you for your willingness to serve as heroes when life is on the line. Your knowledge and dedication make all our lives better.

We stand together with the rest of Prime Healthcare Pennsylvania Region; we salute and say thank you to our doctors and to all the doctors who have devoted their lives to the study and practice of medicine. We are grateful to have a medical staff that demonstrates excellence in providing patient care every day.